Just your normal Wednesday really

Ever have one of those days where you just want to collapse onto the floor and lie there until something magically changes?
“I don’t have the energy for this. Hopefully the life fairies will be along soon to lift me up off the floor.”
“I’m fine, I just need to slouch on the sofa and slowly melt into a puddle of wallow and binge watch Friends for the eighth time.”
“Maybe eating a litre of ice cream and two packs of cheap chocolate-orange cookies will fix things.”

These days seem to come out of nowhere.
They swoop in when everything is going… fine I guess.
Not exactly well, but you know, still here, still plodding along.
Had some little victories and some little defeats.
But there’s still that thing to look forward to.

And then it’s not like everything falls apart
All dramatic, in an explosion of screams and a molten collapse
into darkness and despair and endless wailing.
No, it’s more like things just unravel bit by bit
Until suddenly you look behind you to see
a tangle
of trouble
you’re not sure you can piece back together
at least not right now.

Or something you were excited about
Some spark in your life
An idea, new freedom, that shining beacon ahead
gets snatched away from you
or even worse, from someone you care about
and there’s nothing you can do?

And now you’re wondering if you can promise Satan your first-born just to make things better?

Yeah… me neither. Everything’s fine.

How do you even get hold of Satan anyway? I don’t have any candles and can’t remember how to draw a pentagram.